Rise of the Argonauts

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Deutsch Cynamite
Willkommen beim Test von Rise of the Argonauts! In den alten, den rauen Tagen – als der Begriff Treibhauseffekt nur von irgendeinem Spinner namens Nostradamus genuschelt wurde – waren Kriege noch mit echter Handarbeit verbunden. Und der aus der griechischen Mythologie bekannte König Iason kann ein Lied davon singen! Kurz vor dem Traualtar wird seine Angebetete Alkeme vom totgeglaubten Clan der Schwarzzungen ermordet. Frustreaktion Iasons: Er schnappt sich seine Argonauten-Truppe und lässt auf einem Rachefeldzug quer durch Griechenland die Fetzen fliegen – sprichwörtlich!
Deutsch PC Daily
Rise of the Argonauts ist eine Alternative für Spieler, die gerne historischen und sagenhaften Inhalt auf ihrem Monitor haben möchten. Technisch gibt es nicht viel zu bemängeln, wobei man aus der grafischen Darstellung sicherlich mehr herausholen hätte können. Mehrspielermodus gibt’s übrigens keinen. Echte Helden sind eben auf sich alleine gestellt.

Wertung: 77,2%
Deutsch GameCaptain
Cooles Szenario, gute Story, unterhaltsame Kämpfe, gelungene Charakterentwicklung - hinter all diese Punkte kann man bei Rise of the Argonauts getrost ein Häkchen kritzeln.
Leider konnten die Entwickler ihre Versprechen in einigen anderen Bereichen aber nicht halten. Grafisch zeigt sich die Suche nach dem Goldenen Vlies über weite Strecken kaum heldenhaft, die interessanten Begleiter werden nicht ausreichend genutzt und vor allem herrscht oft ziemlicher Leerlauf bis Jason endlich mal wieder die Waffen sprechen lassen darf.

Wertung: 71%
Deutsch GameZone
Rise of the Argonauts ist sehr schwer zu beurteilen. Es ist kein vollwertiges Rollenspiel und auch kein richtiges Hack & Slay. Am Ende werden beide Kundenstämme nicht 100-prozentig zufrieden sein. Auf der anderen Seite muss man sich fragen, ob man es den Entwicklern übel nehmen kann, dass sich das Spiel so stark an den BioWare Titeln orientiert. Rise of the Argonauts kommt am Ende aber dennoch in keinem Punkt annähernd an ein Jade Empire und Co heran. Vieles wirkt zu oberflächlich und teils unfertig ins Spiel integriert. Hinzu kommen noch die technischen Macken, die man nicht so leicht verzeihen kann. Doch warum bekommt das Spiel trotz der vielen Mankos eine noch vergleichsweise gute Wertung? Es macht einfach Spaß Monster zu verhauen, Quests zu lösen und der Geschichte von Jason und seinen Argonauten zu folgen, trotz der mageren RPG-Elemente und trotz der miesen deutschen Synchronisation. Wer mit Titeln im BioWare Style schon immer etwas anfangen konnte, dürfte sein Spiel möglicherweise gefunden haben. Wer jedoch entweder ein RPG oder ein zünftiges Hack & Slay sucht, ist bei Rise of the Argonauts an der falschen Adresse.

Wertung: 77%
Deutsch 4players
Rise of the Argonauts ist so etwas wie das hässliche Entlein - das allerdings auch als Schwan mit Makeln behaftet bleibt. Oder auch der Mitschüler, der immer ein kleines Stückchen außerhalb des Klassenverbandes steht - ihr werdet euch sicherlich erinnern. Man kann zwar Pferde mit ihm stehlen, wenn man ihn näher kennengelernt hat, muss sich dann aber die höhnischen Kommentare der übrigen Mitschüler anhören. Und auch wenn es kaum einer zugeben wird: Man kann ähnlich wie in Too Human Spaß mit dem Mythen-Mix haben. Erzählerisch sogar mehr als mit dem nordisch-futuristischen Abenteuer von Silicon Knights, was größtenteils der spannenden, wenngleich recht freizügig mit dem Original spielenden Story (Heinrich Schliemann dreht unaufhörlich seine Runden im Grab) sowie den im Ansatz Bioware'schen Dialogen samt Entscheidungen zuzuschreiben ist. Bedauerlich ist allerdings, dass es das Team von Liquid Entertainment nicht geschafft hat, die Unreal Engine in den Griff zu bekommen, womit man im Gegenzug deutlich hinter Too Human zurück bleibt. Gebeutelt von Rucklern, allerdings mit teils coolen Lichteffekten ausgestattet, steht sich die Engine immer im Weg: Der Gesamteindruck zeigt von "naja" bis "passt schon" alle Facetten, die für sich alleine allenfalls eine ausreichende Wertung nach sich ziehen würden. Und obendrauf tendiert die deutsche Synchro Richtung "unterirdisch": Teils vollkommen falsch besetzt (siehe Herkules), teils unpassend übersetzt und dazu auch noch unsauber abgemischt, wird hier die Atmosphäre vollkommen unnötig nach unten gezogen. Wer die Konsole auf Englisch stellt bzw. am PC die englische Installationsroutine wählt, hat zwar keine bessere Technik, aber die wesentlich bessere Gesamtstimmung, die für mich sogar die technischen Defizite übertünchen konnte. Dass man leider außer Jason keine anderen Argonauten aktiv in den Kampf führen kann, ist erzählerisch nachvollziehbar, aber spielerisch eine weitere verschenkte Chance. Denn so hätte das solide, aber auch nicht alle Register ziehende Kampfsystem deutlich aufgewertet werden können. Unter dem Strich zeigen sich viele interessante Ansätze, die es leider versäumen, das Potenzial auszuschöpfen.

Wertung: 70%
Deutsch GamePro
GamePro ist das Schwestermagazin der GameStar, weshalb die Tests auch sehr ähnlich aussehen.

Fazit: Als Fan griechischer Heldensagen habe ich mich tierisch auf die Argonauten gefreut -- und wurde schnell enttäuscht. Von der eigentlichen Geschichte ist nicht viel übrig, und die unglaublich stupiden Dialoge nerven irgendwann gewaltig. Ab dem zweiten Drittel war ich eigentlich nur noch damit beschäftigt, die Gespräche wegzuklicken. Die Quests kann man dank Markierungen auf der Karte trotzdem lösen. Außerdem wüsste ich gerne, was sich Codemasters dabei gedacht hat, das vorher sehr dialoglastige Spiel gegen Ende zu einer Actionorgie im stark vereinfachten God of War-Stil mutieren zu lassen. Das passt hinten und vorne nicht!

Wertung: 65%
Englisch IGN
It's great to see original intellectual properties try things a little differently, something that could be said of Liquid Entertainment's Rise of the Argonauts. With a storyline and characters rooted firmly in Greek mythology, there's an element for those who know or admire the Classics to enjoy. The problem is how the game's put together – so much has been stripped from what we traditionally think of as an RPG and an action game that the result feels like an awkward, neutered hybrid bloated by hours and hours of static dialogue sequences. Add a sloppy combat system in which the most basic moves serve you well all game long and some serious framerate issues, and the result is a frustratingly limited product that, even as it weaves an interesting tale of deceit and betrayal, fails to rise above the compromises made for its hybrid design.

Wertung: 62%
Englisch GamePro US
Rise of the Argonauts wanted so very badly to be a thrilling action adventure and sought to draw gamers in with a combination of entertaining gameplay and stunning visuals. However, this adventure falls flat with a disappointing mix of substandard graphics and mediocre design. An inventive skill system rises to the occasion, but it's not nearly enough to save the game from epic shortcomings.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Rise of the Argonauts had mythic origins -- it's based on Jason's legendary quest for the fabled Golden Fleece -- but the only thing epic about it is the amount of failure it produces. Solid action and a cool skill system isn't enough to save a game marred by a poor presentation and dull design.

PROS: Inventive skill system; varied combat system; solid action.
CONS: Substandard graphics; bland level design; meaningless dialogue choices.

Wertung: 60%
Englisch Team XBOX
Who knows what could have been with this game had it received some more time in production, but a lot of it seems misguided from the start. Too bad, because if they would have gotten this game right, it could have been one of those all time great sleeper hits. It was a valiant effort, but ultimately ended up a Greek tragedy.

Wertung: 52%
Englisch MS Xbox World
Rise of the Argonauts is not a terrible game, and in some respects is quite enjoyable, especially in regards to its story. However, the low production values in the gameplay and graphics department, does mean that you’ll possibly find enjoyment is severely hindered and your patience somewhat tested. There’s some really bad design choices which may help prolong the game, but ultimately could turn gamers off completely. If you like action/adventure, then there are probably a lot more games out there worth spending your money on. If you are a fan of Greek Mythology and can overlook some of the game’s negative issues, then you’ll garner some enjoyment, albeit somewhat muted. I would recommend this game as a rental only, because there’s really nothing worth shouting about here; it’s adventuring by numbers, and its only real saving grace is a semi-engaging storyline.

Wertung: 50%
Englisch Destructoid
That's the true problem at the heart of Rise of the Argonauts -- there is no excuse. Liquid Entertainment had in its hands a game with real potential. Tapping into a story not often explored in videogames, with a deeper-than-average leveling system and solid combat, Rise of the Argonauts could have been a damn good game. Sadly, those at the helm allowed it to be completely ruined by poor design and utterly inconceivable schoolboy errors that should not still be occurring in the year 2008.

Wertung: 30%
Deutsch GameStar
Fazit: Den gehörigen Macken zum Trotz hatte ich Spaß mit Rise of the Argonauts. Die derben Kämpfe sehen schick aus, auch wenn sie meist auf simples Tastengehämmer hinauslaufen, und das Konzept der Götter-Widmungen ist an sich clever. Schade nur, dass Liquid Entertainment daraus nicht mehr gemacht hat. Ich verlange ja nicht gleich alternative Geschichten, je nach dem, welchem Gott ich mich zuwende, aber drei coole Dialoge in 14 Stunden Spielzeit sind für ein Rollenspiel dann doch zu wenig. Und das übrige hohle Geplapper ist für ein Actionspiel zu viel.

Wertung: 65%
Deutsch PC Games
Auf der Playstation 2 liebte ich das überragende Actionspiel God of War (dt.), das herrlich mitreißend durch die griechische Mythologie fetzt. Ich hoffte, Rise of the Argonauts würde sich von diesem – wenn es schon aufs gleiche Szenario setzt – zumindest ein paar Grundlagen abschauen. Doch vergebens: Spektakuläre Bosskämpfe, ein charismatischer Held, eindrucksvolle Levelarchitektur, ein knackiges Kampfsystem und ein Soundtrack, der Gänsehaut macht – all das hätte Rise of the Argonauts gebraucht, um aus dem soliden Durchschnitt hervorzustechen. Die Grafik stört mich übrigens nicht weiter, dafür aber diese deutschen Sprecher ... mein lieber Schwan, bin ich froh, dass die englische Fassung mitgeliefert wird!

Wertung: 71%
Englisch Paste Magazine
There's plenty to love about Rise of the Argonauts. The game's soundtrack offers a stylistic nod to Lisa Gerrard's ethereal vocalizing in Ridley Scott's film Gladiator. The stunning visuals and sound design offer players nothing short of blanket immersion. When you first emerge from the tree line onto the beach and get a look at your ship-the Argo-looming over Iolcus's harbor, and you hear waves lapping up against its creaking hull, you can nearly smell the salt air and heady prospect of adventures yet to unfold. I even found myself adjusting the camera angle to admire the craftsmanship of new weapons I'd collected. The long, curving blade of my spear tip bore exquisite artisan etchings. The golden lion head adorning one shoulder pad on my armor glimmered in the afternoon sun. Most narrative-heavy games are lacking in both solid dialogue and voice acting, but even those aspects of the game are well-executed.

Wertung: 75/100
Englisch DataStronghold
Rise of the Argonauts is obviously based on the Greek mythological story about Jason and his quest to acquire the golden fleece. What has been done for this game is the classic story has been give a "God of War" feel by taking the blood and violence to mythical proportions. And all I have to say is it is great. The game is entirely combat oriented. The goal is to increase your proficiency in all combat related skills so then Jason can increase his killing ratio to the highest levels in Rise of the Argonauts for X360 and PS3.
Englisch Official Xbox 360 Magazine
Rise of the Argonauts shows what those developers have been missing out on. You play Jason, who sets off to find the mythical golden fleece after your wife is assassinated. It is said that the golden fleece has the power to bring those who have died back to life, which is why Jason gathers his Argonauts and together with his trusted friend Hercules, sets his heart on finding it.

Rise of the Argonauts is shaping up to be a brilliant game, with an intriguing storyline, vicious combat and gorgeous locale to boot. Keep an eye on this one, it'll definitely provide a refreshing change from all those muddy fields...
Englisch GameZone
When creating Rise of the Argonauts, one thing stood out in the minds of development team members like game designer Andrew Rubino: immersion. "Probably our biggest goal with Rise of the Argonauts was that the player can fully immerse himself in the world and not just feel like he’s playing a video game," said Rubino. "But when we looked at a lot of RPG conventions, we found many elements that interrupted the player’s experience. We want players running through Greece, making important decisions and battling fierce enemies, not spending 10 minutes navigating through menus screens. So we streamlined the RPG elements, keeping the depth while removing the complexity.
Englisch RPG Vault - Q&A #5
one of the things I like best is that, yes, we've got a lot of quests and goals that are epic and exciting, but in particular, the fact they are couched in logical circumstances and populated with believable characters.
Englisch RPG Vault - Q&A #2
Jonric: What are a couple of things you find particularly interesting, fun, challenging, memorable or otherwise notable about the NPCs in Rise of the Argonauts?

Vernon Andrew Dunmore

Pytheas is easily one of my favorite NPCs in the game. When you run into him on Mycenae, you immediately sympathize with him and his situation. A merchant has no place fighting for his life in the arena, yet here he stands with you as his teammate... and his only real chance of survival.
Englisch Eurogamer
Rise of the Argonauts has enjoyed some creative game design in its foundations which appear to have led to a solid and interesting world now that it's nearing completion. Whether the overarching mechanics can lift the game from a mere action brawler, and whether the world of Greek gods and heroes can inspire players to stick around long enough to find out, remains to be seen, but if God of War's success is anything to go by, there's still a thirst for ancient blood among the ranks of its target audience, which may answer both points. We'll find out in just over a month.
Deutsch Computer Bild Spiele
Hauptdarsteller in der Videospiel-Sage ist der griechische Held Jason. Dessen bekanntestes Abenteuer – die Suche nach dem Goldenen Vlies –, gilt es in „Rise of the Argonauts“ zu meistern. Zwar hält sich das Spiel nicht gänzlich an die mythologische Vorlage, dennoch begegnen Ihnen im Spielverlauf viele Orte und Persönlichkeiten der Originalsage – unter anderem eine eigenwillige Interpretation der Medusa.
Englisch RPG Vault - Peek #5
The god of healing and light, knowledge and prophecy, literature and poetry, Apollo is among the most compassionate of the Olympians, interested in the well being of mortals for their own sake. Represented by the sun itself, he watches over all and illuminates the darkest of places. His followers tend to be scholars, healers and sages; they are typically courteous, learned, and caring.
Englisch RPG Vault - Q&A #2
Jonric: What are a couple of god powers or other abilities that you consider particularly interesting, fun, cool or otherwise notable, and why do they stand out in your mind?

Andrew Rubino
Game Designer
All of the gods have very cool, useful abilities, but as I mentioned previously, I lean towards Athena and Hermes. She has an aspect called Strategic Assault that I love, even if it is hard to pull off. If I can avoid taking damage or blocking any attacks while consistently hitting my enemies, all of my strikes will gain a bonus to damage for as long as I can avoid getting hit. It's not the easiest thing in the world, but its made less difficult thanks to his Quicksilver aspect, which makes my dodge a lot faster.
Englisch RPG Vault - Q&A #1
Jonric: What's your preferred way to play Rise of the Argonauts? What approach do you like to follow in building up the main character, Jason?

Eric Heine
Programmer / Scripter
In any game I play, I choose the quicker weapons, so it's no different in this one. I use the sword almost all the time because it's the fastest of Jason's three. I occasionally use the spear to impale people and throw them off of balconies - one of my favorite things to do in the first level.
Englisch RPG Vault - Peek #4
From the moment she sprang forth from the skull of Zeus himself, bright-eyed Athena has served as the goddess of order, military strategy, and tactical thinking. The only deity with the authority to wield her father's thunderbolts, she dispenses justice with firm resolve. She expects those who follow her to discern right from wrong carefully, to be steadfast in their judgment, and to commit themselves fully to all that they do. Sharp and calculating, even-handed yet severe, she provides order and structure in an often chaotic world, and rewards those who pursue lives of virtue and dedication, tempering their impulses with wisdom and forethought. She watches over judges, generals, kings and anyone who boldly faces difficult decisions on a daily basis.
Englisch RPG Vault - Peek #3
In the past, we've spoken at length about the many elements that make Rise of the Argonauts unique among action RPGs, such as its lethal combat system and the way in which Jason's choices will impact his favor with the gods. That said, we rarely have a chance to really delve into some of the deeper elements of the gameplay experience.

In Rise of the Argonauts, Jason sails throughout the world of mythological Greece aboard his massive ship, the Argo (hence the name for his crew, the Argonauts). But the vessel itself is more than just a means to an end; it is a marvel of the ancient world, a wonder that will change and develop over the course of the hero's journey as he searches for the Golden Fleece, gathering allies to his side.
Englisch GamesRadar
Greek mythology is a complex tangle of fables that have helped generations understand themselves and the worlds they live in. From morality to mortality, this epic collection of narratives holds all the answers. So, considering California-based developers Liquid Entertainment have taken it upon themselves to completely re-imagine one of the biggest Greek narratives of all – that of the journey of Jason and the Argonauts – they must have a pretty big message to get across, right? We asked lead designer Charley Price that exact question. “I suppose the moral to the story is never give up. Never lose focus. The characters around Jason that have fallen on hard times have done exactly that, but there can always be redemption. One good deed can always repay the past”.
Englisch 1up - Hands-On Preview
The days of stop-motion skeletons and harpies are long gone, as evidenced by Codemasters' latest HD-generation re-envisioning of the classic Greek tale of Jason and his band of Argonauts. Rise of the Argonauts is certainly a fine-looking action-role-playing game, but it's hard not to immediately think of God of War the first time you see it. Despite the similarities, the games do differ in their approach to storytelling. While Kratos is a morose, one-man killing machine who slaughters everything that crosses his path, Jason is more of a people person, forming a mythological Justice League as he recruits other characters on his quest for the Golden Fleece.
Englisch IGN - Rise of the Argonauts Hands-On
You play as Jason, though there will be many other heroes who will fight alongside you on your quest. Hercules, Achilles, and Pan are among those that take up arms with Jason. For each mission, you'll select an Argonaut to be your wingman. Each Argonaut has an allegiance to a particular god, which plays a role in combat. Herc rips enemies in half and is your strong man. Pan, who bows to Apollo, is a healer and will replenish your health at opportune moments.
Deutsch heise online - Games Convention 2008 special
In die Welt der griechischen Sage entführt Codemasters den Rollenspieler mit Rise of the Argonauts. In der Rolle von König Jason begibt er sich auf die Suche nach dem goldenen Vlies. Seine Reise mit der "Argo" durch die griechische Inselwelt dient einzig dem Zweck, am Schluss seine verstorbene Frau aus der Totenwelt zurückzuholen zu dürfen. Seine Gefährten sind die Argonauten – im Spiel lassen die Entwickler diese Gefährtengruppe aus mächtigen Kämpfern und Zauberern wie Achilles und Pan bestehen.
Deutsch GameCaptain - Rise of the Argonauts Facts
Medusa, Zyklopen, Titanen - die Gestalten des griechischen Sagenschatzes und deren Welt sind spätestens seit God of War wieder zum gefragten Hintergrund für spannende Spieleunterhaltung geworden und auch bei Rise of the Argonauts aus dem Hause Liquid Entertainment wird man so manchen Minotaurenknilch vertrimmen. Dabei ist das Spiel aber (hoffentlich) weit mehr als ein bloßer Abklatsch des übermächtigen Kriegsgott-Gemetzels plus Rollenspiel-Anteil. Ein paar Wochen vor dem geplanten Release fassen wir noch mal die wichtigsten Infos zusammen.
Englisch G4 - Hands On: 'Rise Of The Argonauts'
Today, we were treated to a hands-on of Codemasters' new Rise of the Argonauts here in Germany, and we got to play amongst the Gods for a few minutes or so. Now, right off the bat, you're going to want to compare this game to God of War, and it's a fair comparison to make. Pawn of the Gods doing trials to try and please them? Check. Messing with the Titans? Check. God-like powers bestowed on your person and weapons by those very same Gods? You betcha.
Englisch GameSpot - Rise of the Argonauts: Q&A
It has been just over a year since we first saw Rise of the Argonauts and a couple of months since we first got to play it. We still had myriad unanswered questions about the scope, plot, and ideas behind the game after having gotten a bit more info at E3 2008, so we put some of them to Ed Del Castillo, president of Liquid Entertainment.

GameSpot UK: According to the crew list, you seem to be playing fast and loose with the mythology. Is this going to be a theme for the game?

Ed Del Castillo: Well, we use these great myths and legends as our inspiration--our starting point--but we're making our own take on it where it serves gameplay, the story, and the player experience. The Jason myth is one of the only places in Greek myth that you get such a confluence of great heroes, so we're kind of assembling the X-Men of mythology. There's a rich backstory, there's incredible characters, but we're also using artistic license to take it to the next level--we couldn't pass up that opportunity.
Englisch CVG - Is Codemasters' new RPG the best thing since sliced head?
Greek mythology is a complex tangle of fables which have helped generations understand themselves and the worlds they live in. From morality to mortality, this epic collection of narratives holds all the answers. So, considering California-based developers Liquid Entertainment have taken it upon themselves to completely re-imagine one of the biggest Greek narratives of all - that of the journey of Jason and the Argonauts - they must have a pretty big message to get across, right? We asked lead designer Charley Price that exact question. "I suppose the moral to the story is never give up. Never lose focus. The characters around Jason that have fallen on hard times have done exactly that, but there can always be redemption. One good deed can always repay the past".
Englisch IGN - Rise of the Argonauts Peek #2
In Rise of the Argonauts, worshippers of Hermes tend to be more lighthearted in their outlook on life. When times are grim, they will be the first to try and lighten the mood by providing a fresh perspective on the issues at hand. For those who follow him, swiftness of thought is more potent than strength of arms. A battle of words can be just as entertaining as one with weapons - especially if the combatants come well armed with wit. To some, they may seem more carefree than most, but they would characterize themselves as having a more even-handed perspective on the world. We are all destined to encounter obstacles on our journeys; we may as well face them with a smirk and a quip.
Codemasters went and took some of our favorite mythologies, intermingled some big-chested brutes and trophy rooms and gave us, well, I know I'm going to be torn apart for saying it (Sorry, Cory!), what "God of War" SHOULD have been.
The game looks and plays beautifully, while it's still not finished and Charlie over at Codemasters was quick to tell me; they're doing their final finesse work on the title. Once the game becomes closer to it's release, maybe I can get a few words and some impressions from the developers and find out what they think of the genre as a whole and just where "Rise of the Argonauts" will fit in there. Personally, I know that this game won't leave my hands until it's finished, until I'm standing there pointing at my television and saying.. "See that sword? Yeah, I got that when I took down the hydra. Oh, what? You want one? Tch, you ain't got the stuff, kid.".
Englisch IGN - Rise of the Argonauts Peek #1
We really wanted to lend depth and richness to each of our gods. As such, Ares is more than just the berserker. In Rise of the Argonauts, his followers believe that instinct is our truest guide in all walks of life. Politics, poetry, debate and the like are the breeding grounds of deception and cowardice. We are most truly alive when our actions and thoughts are as one. And what better place for that than on the battlefield? Beyond the familiar domains of war and combat, Ares is the god of focus, determination and persistence. Men and women honor him through stalwart courage in the face of overwhelming adversity, and bold choices made without hesitation.
Englisch GameSpy
Liquid Entertainment wants you to lose yourself inside the world of Jason and the Argonauts. This action role-playing game is basically free of interface clutter -- there are no health bars, no commands that pop up to issue orders to companions, nothing to interfere with the cinematic experience. The game eschews a lot of traditional role-playing game conventions and the E3 presentation left us wanting more.
Englisch IGN - E3 2008: Rise of the Argonauts Update
Liquid seems to be designing their action RPG flavored with Greek mythology to veer more toward the action genre than the RPG genre. We've already written a few detailed previews explaining the basics of the game, and with the E3 demo, Liquid talked a little more about life on the Argo (your ship) and a boss battle with medusa.
Englisch GameSpot - E3 2008: Rise of the Argonauts Hands-On
At E3 2008, we got our hands on Rise of the Argonauts for the first time, playing through a bit of the Mycenae arena, home to tournament-champion and ultimate warrior Achilles. We played a PC build and used an Xbox 360 wired controller -- a good thing since this action role playing game is so combat-oriented. As a weapon master proficient in many combat arts, Jason can use a sword, spear, or mace from the beginning of the game.
Englisch Eurogamer - Preview
Yes, we're back in the world of muscle-men, women with snakes on their heads and squabbling gods, ala Jason and the Argonauts - the film upon which the game's loosely based - and Price is obsessed by it all. You'll visit Delphi, the island of Apollo, for instance, and fight your way from the dark base of a mountain to the sun-drenched summit, signifying a journey from ignorance to enlightenment. "In many ways it's the foundation of literature, of drama," Price says of Ancient Greece. "It's this awesome fantasy setting that already has this street credibility in a literary perspective." Medusa perhaps best personifies the reinterpretation, with great snakes many times the size of Jason and his companions filling the screen and trying to eat you up. Even when the game adds a touch of dramatic licence it's paid for in good gameplay.
Englisch Eurogamer - News
Gamers have evolved and can't afford to spend "days and days on end" trawling through lengthy adventures, Rise of the Argonauts lead designer Charley Price has told Eurogamer.
Englisch Rock, Paper, Shotgun
This week we were brave enough to extract a few worlds of Homeric wisdom from Charley Price, the lead designer on Codemasters’ new action RPG, Rise Of The Argonauts. Needless to say, the Liquid Entertainment man was keen to talk up how RotA is rather different from previous videogame interpretations of classical Greek mythology, and tell us how the game was “akin to Mass Effect”. Head clickwards for the words, and a bunch of brand new Argonauty screenshots.
Englisch IGN - E3
E3 may not be the bonanza it was in years past, but this year's show should at least reveal some new info on a few anticipated titles. With mammoth companies such as Activision-Blizzard pulling out of the show's lineup, though, you can't help but be concerned for the show's future.
Mix the great team at Liquid Entertainment with the world of Classical mythology and action RPGs and you've got a recipe that we just can't resist. Focusing mostly on Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece, Rise of the Argonauts manages to bring in characters and creatures from the most popular Greek myths and presents them in a format that allows for fast-paced combat and rich storytelling. Now if we could just convince them that Hercules should actually be called Herakles, we'd be set.
Englisch Kotaku
I guess you'd call it a little bit action, a little bit RPG (but mostly action). The rep who showed me the game told me it's based in good old Gods-and-heroes Greek myth, but takes a little liberty with the canonical facts. For example, the hero is Jason, he of Golden Fleece fame, and in the game, his wife has been killed and he's seeking the fabled Fleece in order to resurrect her. If Kratos has learned us anything, it's that dead wives plus mythology equals a recipe for high drama and pathos.
Englisch Destructoid
Codemasters has just sent us an article concerning its intriguing action RPG game, Rise of the Argonauts. This is a title I've been looking forward to hearing more about since it was first announced, and we're pleased to be the first English-speaking site to get you these fresh new details.

I've been loving the sound of the game's experience system, which this article explains in a little more detail -- rather than traditional experience points, you perform "deeds" throughout the game, such as rescuing certain characters, defeating particularly nasty enemies or escaping from a battle unharmed. These deeds can then be used to pay tribute to one of four Gods who will confer unique abilities on your character.
Deutsch Onipepper
Wir verfolgen das Spiel schon seit der Pressekonferenz in München (LinkLink). Um so mehr freut es uns, dass wir zu diesem heißen RPG exklusive Infos bekommen haben, die wir Euch nun im Wochentakt präsentieren können…

Das heißt, von heute an, bekommt Ihr jeden Freitag brandneue und exklusive Infos zum Spiel! Das ist doch mal ein Service!
Englisch GameSpot
In Rise of the Argonauts, the upcoming action role-playing game from Codemasters and Liquid Entertainment, weapons kill people. In fact, if you hit an enemy with a sword, says game director Ed Del Castillo, the enemy is probably going to die. It's this concept of lethality that looks to separate Rise of the Argonauts from traditional action RPGs that rely on more conventional and infinitely less gory hit point systems.
Deutsch Gameswelt
Nach zahllosen Rollenspielen in Fantasiewelten dürsten die Spieler nach mehr. Mehr Action, mehr Blut, weg von niedlichen Elfen und grünen Orks, hin zum Brachialen, zum Realistischen, zum Erwachsenen. Auch 'Rise of the Argonauts' geht diesen Weg. Wir haben uns den Codemasters-Titel während einer Präsentation näher angeschaut.
Deutsch 4Players
Im Gegensatz zu Tolkien'scher Fantasy oder fiktiven SciFi-Welten ist die griechische Mythologie eher selten Grundlage für epische Rollenspielabenteuer. Mit Rise of the Argonauts wollen Liquid Games und Codemasters aber genau dieses Szenario ins Rampenlicht rücken und euch auf eine Odyssee durch die antike Ägäis schicken. Mit Hilfe der Götter sollt ihr das Goldene Vlies in euren Besitz bringen. Wir haben schon mal vorab die Anker gelichtet!
Deutsch InGame
Ist dies dein erster Aufenthalt in Deutschland ?
Nein, ich habe schon viele deutsche Städte gesehen... Berlin, Hamburg, das Münchner Oktoberfest *fängt an zu grinsen*

Hehe, magst du deutsches Bier?
*lacht* Oh ja sehr, aber irgendwie witzig, denn viele fragen mich ob ich deutsches Bier mag, dabei sind mir die deutschen Brezel viel lieber.
Englisch IGN UK
Rise of the Argonauts is shaping up to be no ordinary RPG. Taking the myth of the Golden Fleece as its foundation, it's a heavily action tinted spin on the age-old tale told with assured bravura, and has more than enough going for it to ensure it's going to install itself in many hearts come its release at the end of the summer. We sat down with the game's producer Ed del Castillo to talk about the inspiration behind the game, the future of the RPG, and above all love.
Deutsch Onipepper
Doch worum geht es eigentlich in diesem Spiel? In Anlehnung an die Heldensage um Jason und seine Argonauten und die Suche nach dem goldenen Vlies, entführt uns die Geschichte ins antike Griechenland.
Englisch Gamespot UK
The mythology of the ancient world is a rich source of fantastic stories, and a fantastic story is a great start for a role-playing game. The story of Jason and the golden fleece is the basis of Rise of the Argonauts, the upcoming action RPG from Codemasters and Liquid Entertainment. The game will retell this classic tale with heavy-duty action game elements and an emphasis on storytelling and choices with consequences. We had an opportunity to take an updated look at the game and have much to report.
Englisch IGN
Plenty of action games have role-playing elements to help make them more interesting. Take God of War's experience orb and upgrade system, for example, or even Assassin's Creed in way, as you upgrade your combat moves by completing primary missions and bolster health reserves through side-quests. While those games are considered action titles, Liquid Entertainment classifies its upcoming Rise of the Argonauts as an action-RPG.
Englisch IGN - Pan
To the satyr Pan, life is a never-ending search for new and powerful experiences. After more than eight hundred years of travel and adventure, Pan has explored Greece and beyond, seeking adventure, knowledge, and challenge. A practiced bard and storyteller, Pan is never at a loss for an anecdote or clever remark.
Englisch IGN - Achilles
While Hercules is widely renowned, Achilles has only just begun to make a name for himself. The favored son of Mycenae, Achilles is the reigning and undefeated Champion of its Arena. On his island, he lives as a celebrity, emerging to the rapturous adulation of the people to dispatch his foes and then retiring to his private chambers in the company of his… admirers. Every one of his many victories has been so utterly overwhelming that rumors are beginning to spread that he must be invincible—even on Mycenae, there are few with the courage to challenge him, and none with the skill to win.
Englisch IGN - Atalanta
Atalanta's tale may be known only to a small tribe of centaurs, but it is already a legend. Orphaned in the dark jungles of Saria as a young girl, Atalanta taught herself to survive when she should have been prey for the island's beasts, becoming the lone huntress, a predator feared even by the feral satyrs.
Englisch IGN - Jason
The young king of peaceful Iolcus, an isle of tranquil villages and rolling farmlands, Jason expected to live a quiet life of service to his people. His sole desire was to marry his childhood friend and beloved fiancé, the Princess Alceme. But on the day of their wedding, an assassin's arrow cut through the clear morning sky and pierced her through the heart.
Deutsch PC Games
Ed Del Castillo kennt sich mit Spielen aus: Er produzierte zahlreiche Teile der Command & Conquer-Serie und zeigte mit Battle Realms und Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard, dass Echtzeit- und Rollenspiel-Elemente zusammen in einem Spiel funktionieren. Sein neuestes Projekt: das Action-Rollenspiel Rise of the Argonauts, das ohne fummelige Menüs auskommen und dafür mit einer spannenden Geschichte und rasanten Kämpfen punkten will.
Englisch IGN
Loosely based on the Greek mythological hero, Jason of Iolcus, Rise of the Argonauts resurrects one of the world's most famous parables. Rather than following the popular myth beat for beat, however, the creative team has taken several liberties to tell the story they want to tell. Instead of Jason pursuing the Golden Fleece because of a plot to kill him by his evil uncle Pelias, for example, Jason now seeks the Fleece to restore the life of his dead bride who was murdered on their wedding day (no word yet as to who the bride is; be it Jay's first spouse Medea, his second wife Glauce [who we suspect it is], or a completely fictional woman created for the videogame).

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